9/10/23 Sermon Notes

9/10/23 Sermon Notes

Sermon Notes By Adam Burton | September 10, 2023 Main Point: Recognize the spiritual battles families confront, lean on God’s blueprint for unity, and harness the gospel’s power to navigate challenges and fortify bonds. Introduction: Everyday family chaos...
Day 5: Devotional

Day 5: Devotional

🔥 Drawing Strength from Solitude 🔥 Day 5 | September 1, 2023 💌 A Message from Pastor Adam In our fast-paced world, moments of solitude with God can be a source of renewal and strength. Today, let's explore the importance of finding quiet moments with our Creator and...
Day 4: Devotional

Day 4: Devotional

🔥 Triumph Over Trials 🔥Day 4 | August 31, 2023 💌 A Message from Pastor Adam Trials and challenges are an inevitable part of our journey. Yet, with God by our side, we can face them with confidence and hope. Today, let's dive deeper into the transformative power of...
Day 3: Devotional

Day 3: Devotional

🔥 The Cost of Conviction 🔥Day 3 | August 30, 2023 💌 A Message from Pastor Adam Convictions define who we are. They shape our actions, our decisions, and our relationships. Today, I invite you to reflect on the cost of holding onto your convictions, especially when the...