David: Overcoming Fear with Faith
by admin | Aug 6, 2023 | Adam Burton, Facing Life's Giants, Media, Message
David: Overcoming Fear with Faith The tale of how David Overcomes Goliath is not just a biblical story but a lesson in unwavering faith. Dive into Pastor Adam Burton’s sermon and discover how David’s faith in God led him to conquer his towering challenge....
Servant’s Shoes: The Power of Serving in the Church
by admin | Jul 30, 2023 | Adam Burton, Media, Message, The Church God Blesses
The Transformative Power of Service in the Church The transformative power of service in the church is a profound message that resonates deeply in today’s world. This post delves into the essence of selfless acts, the legacy of notable figures, and the call to...
Heartfelt Pursuit: Fanning the Flames of Affection for God
by admin | Jul 23, 2023 | Media, Message, The Church God Blesses
Heartfelt Pursuit: Fanning the Flames of Affection for God Introduction Welcome to an exploration inspired by the sermon titled, “Heartfelt Pursuit: Fanning the Flames of Affection for God.” This blog post invites us to consider our profound longing for...
The Foundation of Prayer: Seeking God’s Will Together
by admin | Jul 16, 2023 | Adam Burton, Media, Message, The Church God Blesses
The Foundation of Prayer: Seeking God’s Will Together Introduction When considering the powerful connection between faith and prayer, one cannot help but be inspired by the story of George Mueller and his 19th-century Bristol orphanage. Mueller, a steadfast...