December 16, 2022

📝From Pastor Adam

Recent Sermons

Watch Your Step

"Watch Your Step: Walking Steady with Jesus" is a 6-part sermon series designed to help believers navigate life's hidden traps and spiritual obstacles. Each week, we’ll explore the challenges that can trip us up and pull us off course, from pride and blind spots to...

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Blueprints for a Blessed Family

Blueprints for a Blessed Family

Are you ready to transform your family life and build a strong, faith-filled foundation? Our powerful sermon series, "Blueprints for a Blessed Family," is designed to help you navigate the challenges of modern family life and create a home filled with love, respect,...

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📅 Reminders


  • 9:30 AM Sunday School
  • 10:45 AM Worship Service
  • 6:00 PM Christmas Cantata
    • Broadway Baptist Church – Lexington

This Week

  • Wednesday, Dec 14, 7:00 PM

    • Choir Practice

 Nursery Schedule

  • Dec 18 – Shirley White & Rhonda Chasteen
  • Dec 25 – Need Volunteers

Featured Events

Lottie Moon Week of Prayer

Lottie Moon Christmas Offering

Goal: $5,000

📈Giving Update

Week General Fund Building Fund
Dec 4 $4,247.30 $1,070.00
Dec 11 $2,317.80 $660.00
Total $6,565.10 $1,730.00


2022 General Fund Building Fund
January $10,328.04 $1,890.00
February $10,859.66 $2,395.00
March $11,260.43 $2,120.27
April $9,495.30 $1,860.00
May $9,744.00 $2,095.00
June $9,292.30 $1,891.17
July $11,900.30 $2,490.00
August $9,293.30 $1,550.00
September $9,231.80 $2,975.69
October $14,411.23 $3,294.81
November $10,050.30 $1,968.00
December  $6,565.10 $1,730
Total $124,489.76 $26,584.94