Discover the transformative power of heavenly worship unveiled as we unleash the ultimate expression of love for God, unlock worship as the core of our divine connection, and empower our souls for an encounter that transcends our earthly journey.
Eternity’s Embrace: Unveiling the Power of Worship in Heaven
Adam Burton | May 21, 2023
Unveiling the Transformative Power of Worship
Immerse Yourself in Nature’s Beauty
Picture yourself standing before majestic cliffs, gazing at a hidden cove where the sun and sea meet in a breathtaking spectacle. Drawn by the allure of nature’s beauty, Lily found herself in this serene haven on a summer day. As she ventured deeper into the cove, an unexpected treasure awaited her, forever altering her perspective on worship. Let us embark on a journey to unveil the profound impact of worship in heaven, just as Lily did.
True Worship: A Journey of Adoration and Surrender
Longing for Genuine Connection
At the core of our souls, we yearn for an authentic connection with our Creator. Worship goes beyond mere rituals; it is a heartfelt expression of adoration and surrender to God. Revelation 4 paints an awe-inspiring picture of worship in heaven, inviting us to taste eternity through our worship here on earth. Let Lily’s quest for authentic worship in the hidden cove mirror our own search for that sacred place where we can pour out our hearts in adoration and surrender.
Exploring Scripture: Revelation 4, John 4, and Hebrews 10
A Glimpse of Heavenly Worship
Revelation 4 grants us a breathtaking glimpse into the worship surrounding God’s majestic throne in heaven. Witness the heavenly beings, utterly awestruck by the majesty and holiness of God, offering ceaseless worship. John 4 reminds us that true worship transcends physical locations and religious rituals; it is worship in spirit and truth. Furthermore, Hebrews 10 encourages us to draw near to God with sincere hearts, embracing the transformative power of worship.
Love: The Essence of Worship
Discovering God’s Love
At the heart of worship lies an exquisite love—the love that God has for us and the love that we reciprocate towards Him. Worship allows us to intimately connect with God, experiencing His profound love and expressing our love back to Him. Just as Lily discovered the profound beauty of the hidden cove, we too can delve into the depths of God’s love through worship. As we embrace His love, our hearts are transformed, empowering us to selflessly love others.
The Transformative Power of Worship
Breaking Barriers, Healing Souls
Worship possesses an extraordinary power to transform us from within. When we enter God’s presence with open hearts, we encounter His glory, and the Holy Spirit works in us, bringing about transformation. Similar to Lily’s captivation by the hidden treasure, we can also be captivated by the transformative power of worship. It demolishes walls, heals wounds, and restores our lives. Worship aligns our hearts with God’s purpose, enabling us to live out our faith authentically.
Practical Applications: Cultivating a Deeper Connection
Nurturing a Profound Connection
How can we cultivate a deeper connection with God through worship? Here are a few practical steps to consider:
- Dedicate dedicated time each day for personal worship and reflection.
- Engage with uplifting worship music and songs that resonate with your heart.
- Pray and meditate on God’s Word, allowing it to shape your understanding of worship.
- Embrace vulnerability in your worship, opening yourself up to God’s presence.
- Seek opportunities to worship with fellow believers, fostering a sense of community and unity.
Experience the Power of Worship in Heaven
Unveiling the Treasure of Worship
As Lily discovered the hidden treasure within the cove, we too can uncover the boundless depths of worship in our heavenly home. The transformative power of worship awaits those who prepare their hearts, souls, and minds for an eternity in God’s presence.
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We are Saved by Grace
Ephesians 2:1-10
Adam Burton | January 22, 2023
There’s a young girl named Lily who lived in a small coastal village. Now, this village was renowned for its breathtaking sunsets that painted the sky in just vivid colors, captivating everyone who witnessed them. And with her bright eyes, her curious spirit, Lily eagerly anticipated each evening’s spectacle.
One day, Lily’s wise and gentle grandfather revealed a secret to her. He whispered about a hidden cove nested there behind the towering cliffs where the magic of the sunset seemed to touch the earth. He described it as a place where heaven and earth intertwined, a gateway to the embrace of eternity filled with excitement and wonder.
Lily embarked on this journey to find the mystical cove. So she climbed up steep hills, crossed babbling streams, and ventured through dense forests until after much perseverance, she finally discovered this hidden treasure. As Lily stepped into the cove, a breathtaking sight unfolded before her.
She was surrounded by this chorus of vibrant colors shimmering in the evening light. The air carried a gentle breeze, whispering melodies of peace and love, and Lily knew that she had stumbled upon something truly extraordinary, something sacred. At that moment, Lily felt an overwhelming urge to express her gratitude and awe.
With the innocence of a child, she began to dance, her feet moving across the sand as she twirled and spun. And each step blended seamlessly with the rhythm of the waves crashing up against the shore, creating this divine harmony. As Lily danced, she sensed an unseen presence surrounding her.
It was as if eternity had wrapped its arms around her, drawing her into this sacred embrace. And at that moment, Lily felt the presence of God. Her heart overflowed with love, adoration, and tears of joy streamed down her face.
And in that cove, surrounded by this great beauty of God’s creation, Lily discovered the power of worship. It wasn’t about the grandeur of a physical structure or the eloquence of words. Instead, it was a raw and genuine expression of her love for the Creator.
Welcome brothers and sisters to our sermon series that we are delving into the profound truth of eternity and unveiling the mysteries of the presence of our loving Creator. Today, we’re going to embark on the fifth installment of this series, focusing on the power of worship in heaven. Worship in heaven, it impacts us profoundly, right?
And reminding us that true worship is this spiritual connection that we have with God, accessible only through Jesus Christ. And it weaves this glorious tapestry intertwining our heart with the divine, transporting us into a realm where time just fades away and the encompassing beauty of God’s presence surrounds us. It’s a symphony of adoration, a dance of surrender, and an outpouring of love echoing throughout the ages.
So as we explore this magnificent topic, we will witness love unveiled in all of its splendor, igniting the ultimate worship of God. We will understand how worship in heaven surpasses our earthly comprehension, transforming our hearts and our souls in ways that resonate through eternity. So as we move forward, let us prepare our hearts, our souls, open our minds to allow this heavenly Father, the Spirit, the Holy Spirit, God, to just speak to us as we long to encounter the boundless depths of worship in our heavenly home.
1. Love Unveiled: Unleashing the Ultimate Worship of God.
So, this understanding, we now move to our first point this morning, and that is love unveiled, unleashing the ultimate worship of God. Love unveiled, unleashing the ultimate worship for God. Revelation chapter 4, it unveils a breathtaking scene of heavenly worship where these angelic beings offer profound adoration and reverence to God.
We read, and the four living creatures, each of them with six wings are full of eyes all around and within, and day and night they never cease to sing, holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was and is and is to come. And whenever the living creatures give glory and honor and thanks to Him who is seated on the throne who lives forever and ever, the 24 elders fall down before Him who is seated on the throne and worship Him who lives forever and ever. They cast their crowns before the throne saying, worthy are you, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things and by your will they existed and were created.
In this passage, we witness a profound sense of worship in heaven. So we have these four living creatures and they intensify their praise while the 24 elders humbly bow before the throne of God, offering their crowns as a symbol of submission to God’s authority. The four living creatures, resembling a lion, an ox, a man, and an eagle, represent God’s created order.
They address God as Lord God Almighty, recognizing His role as the all-powerful, the sovereign Lord who controls all of history. They continuously proclaim the holiness of God, emphasizing His eternal perfection. As this worship around God’s throne intensifies, the elders, the 24 elders, fall on their faces, laying down their crowns before the throne.
They acknowledge that their crowns are inferior to God’s authority and they offer them as an act of worship, declaring God’s worthiness to receive glory, honor, and power. Now the elders’ praise differs from that of the living creatures as it is directed directly to God and based on His work. See they affirm that only the one seated on the heavenly throne is truly worthy of praise.
In addition to ascribing this glory and honor to God, the elders include this attribute of power in their praise, acknowledging that all things were created according to God’s will. Now this depiction in John’s vision of this heavenly throne room reminds the Christians that John was writing to in the first century that despite their hardships, that God remains the sovereign Lord of the universe. It assures them that their worship and adoration of God are not in vain.
However, this vision of God’s greatness is only part of the picture. For John introduces the concept of a divine response to that transcendence, which is revealed in the later vision that John has of the slain lamb. Now in order for us to understand Revelation 4, we glimpse the power of worship in heaven.
This scene portrays the profound adoration and submission of the living creatures and these elders before God’s throne. It teaches us to recognize and to proclaim God’s eternal perfection, His creative achievements, and His sovereign will. It challenges us to return our crowns of authority and honor to God, acknowledging that He alone deserves universal worship.
How may this understanding inspire us to embrace the ultimate power of worship and unveil the depth of love and reverence that we have for our heavenly Father? Here’s an illustration to help us to kind of grasp the significance of this scene. Imagine that you’re attending a big award ceremony where renowned figures are there honored for their achievements.
Each winner walks up to the stage to receive their rewards. It’s not uncommon to see a winner to thank God for their speech. But imagine something different takes place.
You know, the recipient, he humbly takes his golden award and as he takes it, he goes to the edge of the stage and he just sets it there on the ground. And he stands back up and he comes to the podium and he says that he gives thanks for receiving the award, but he admits that he’s not worthy to receive such an award. And instead he lays his trophy on the ground symbolizing that God is the only one worthy of glory.
Something that’s almost too far-fetched for us to see. Now in Hollywood, but the room falls silent, shocked by this act of surrender and submission. And everybody’s wondering, what in the world is going on?
Why would he do such a thing? The 24 elders represented the highest authority in power. And they willingly bowed before God’s throne, laying their crowns before Him.
Their action symbolizes their acknowledgement that God alone is worthy of honor and praise. Just like that extraordinary person at the award ceremony, the elders recognize that everything, let me repeat, everything pales in comparison to the majesty and the greatness of God. Now in our lives, we often strive for recognition, success, and authority.
We desire to be praised and esteemed by others. But the scene here in Revelation challenges us to reconsider our priorities. It reminds us that true worship involves recognizing the ultimate worthiness of God and offering our crowns of self-importance back to Him.
For our accomplishments are insignificant compared to God’s eternal perfection and creative achievements. And when we grasp the magnitude of God’s holiness and sovereignty, it transforms our perspective about worship. And our hearts are filled with awe and reverence as we realize that our heavenly Father deserves our highest adoration and surrender.
And worship becomes more than just singing songs or going through religious motions. It becomes an intimate connection with the creator of the universe, a heartfelt response to His greatness. So as we gather today to worship, let us remember this scene in Revelation 4.
Let us imagine ourselves standing in that heavenly throne room surrounded by the mighty chorus of living creatures and the humble submission of the elders. In that moment, may we lay our crowns of pride and success and authority before God, acknowledging that He alone is worthy. Let our worship be an outpouring of love and reverence and adoration for our heavenly Father who eternally deserves all of our honor and praise.
2. Intertwined Hearts: Unlocking Worship as the Core of Our Divine Connection.
Which brings us to our second point. Intertwined hearts unlocking worship as the core of our divine connection. Intertwined hearts unlocking worship as the core of our divine connection.
Let us now turn our attention to John’s other book, the Gospel of John, chapter four, where we encounter these profound words from Jesus about the essence of worship. Jesus says, But the hour is coming and is now here when true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship Him. God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.
This passage, Jesus reveals the power of worship in heaven. He teaches us about the nature of God and the essence of true worship. Now this passage, it has profound implications for our understanding of worship and this connection that we have with God.
The first thing Jesus tells us is, is that God is not limited by physical boundaries or confined to a specific place. God is spirit and His presence is not restricted to a particular location. True worship, right?
It’s not about being in a holy place, engaging with God, but engaging with God in spirit wherever we are. Our hearts posture matters in our intimate connection with God, not our physical surroundings. Moreover, Jesus emphasizes here that worship is not simply an external ritual or formality.
No, it is an inward reality that flows from our spirit and it aligns with the truth revealed through Him. True worshipers, oh, true worshipers intimately know and conform to Jesus who embodies God’s truth. Worshiping in truth means that our worship is grounded in a genuine understanding of God and what He has done through Jesus.
Jesus’ statements here also marks a shift in redemptive history. While salvation historically came through the Jews, the arrival of Jesus ushered in a new era in which true worship would not be limited to a specific ethnic group or place. Oh no, through Jesus’ ministry, the hour of true worship had arrived and is accessible to all who come to the Father through Him.
The significance of worshiping in spirit of truth extends beyond physical boundaries. It encompasses our supernatural life through the Holy Spirit in our conformity to Jesus. Now, this worship is characterized by a deep connection with God.
It’s enabled by the Holy Spirit and it is rooted in our knowledge of God’s truth as revealed through Jesus, the very Word who is made flesh. To illustrate, imagine you’re standing on the edge of a beautiful ocean, right? And you feel this gentle breeze in your face and you hear the sounds, soothing sounds of the waves crashing up and then you gaze out into the expanse of the sea.
You’re reminded of the eternal nature of God’s presence. Then the moment you see down there on the beach, there’s a young child who’s playing in the sand. The child is into it wholeheartedly, building this sand castle.
Now, we’re not talking just a little, you know, a bucket of sand here. We’re talking about a sand castle. And he’s pouring all of his energy and creativity into it.
Curious, you approach the little child and say, why are you building such a big sand castle? And he looks up at you with sparkling eyes. The child replies, he says, because it’s for my mom and I want to show her how much I love her.
You know, in that simple exchange, you realize the child understands something profound about worship. It’s not about this physical structure of specific location. Instead, it’s about pouring out our love for God just as a child pours his passion into the sand castle because he loves his mom.
Similarly, Jesus revealed that true worshipers worship the Father in spirit and in truth. All right, worship isn’t confined, restricted to being in a church building or other physical boundaries. It’s the posture of our hearts, this connection with God and the truth we know.
So when we worship, we enter the divine embrace with eternity. Our spirit, when we worship, it connects with the Holy Spirit and our hearts are intertwined with God’s heart. It’s like a dance, right?
We surrender to God’s leading, moving, imperfect harmony. So like the sand castle expressing the child’s love, our worship expresses our love for God. It’s not just going through the motions, reciting some words.
It’s about pouring our hearts, our joys, our struggles and our gratitude before the one who unconditionally loves us. For in worshiping in spirit and truth, we enter a sacred space where God meets us, transcending time and place. It’s not a performance, not at all, but it’s a genuine, intimate encounter with the living God.
So my friends, let us approach worship with a heart of that like a child at the beach. Let us pour ourselves out before God, offering our love and adoration. Let our spirit soar, entwining with the Holy Spirit as we surrender to God’s leading.
Oh, may our worship be a beautiful sand castle of love built with the truth of who God is and what he has done for us through Jesus. And may our worship be a fragrance that rises to heaven, resonating with the eternal embrace of God’s love.
3. Journey Beyond, Empowering Our Souls for the Heavenly Worship Encounter
Which brings us to our last point. Journey beyond, empowering our souls for the heavenly worship encounter. Journey beyond, empowering our souls for the heavenly worship encounter.
As we turn our attention to the book of Hebrews, chapter 10, we discover a powerful exhortation on the significance of community and the unyielding hope that we find in Christ. We read these words, Therefore, brothers, since we have confidence to enter the holy places by the blood of Jesus, by the new and living way that he opened for us through the curtain, that is through his flesh, and since we have a great high priest over the house of God, let us draw near with a true heart of full assurance of faith, with our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water. Oh, let us hold fast to the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful.
And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the day drawing near. In this passage, we discover the profound impact of worship in heaven and its transformative effects on our souls. This passage here teaches us that through Jesus, we have the incredible privilege to confidently approach God’s throne.
Jesus’ sacrificial death has opened a new way for us to come before God. He’s tearing down the veil that signifies the removal of the barrier that once separated us from him. And this powerful symbol represents our direct access to God through Christ.
But approaching God requires faith in Jesus Christ, bringing assurance of our inner clean cleansing. See, we are encouraged to confidently draw near to God, knowing that Christ’s sacrifice has made it possible for us to do so. Moreover, we’re urged to hold fast to our hope in Christ.
It says, without wavering, this hope is found in his redemptive work on the cross, and we can fully trust in God’s faithfulness to fulfill his promises, but we must remain steadfast in our belief. The passage also emphasizes the importance of considering one another and fostering love and good works within the church. Instead of neglecting to gather with fellow believers, we should actively encourage and support one another.
Our faith grows through this communal support and intangible acts of love. I mean, think of waiting in line for your favorite concert. You’re waiting there and the atmosphere is truly excited, and the band, you can hear they’re back on the stage tuning up in the background, but as you approach the entrance, you encounter this enormous impassable gate that separates you from the venue to getting close to the stage where the band is that you so desperately want to see.
So you yearn to get closer to immerse yourself in the music, but this gate stands as an insurmountable barrier. Suddenly the lead singer appears and with a confident smile, he raises his hand, and the security guards swing open the gate. People enter into the previously forbidden area with joy and anticipation.
You realize that the lead singer’s authority has granted you access to a sealed off space. Well, just as the lead singer’s authority opened the gate, Jesus Christ, through his sacrificial death of shedding of blood, has inaugurated a new way for us to approach God. Before Christ’s sacrifice, there was a veil that separated humanity from God’s presence, symbolizing our sinfulness and our inability to draw near.
Yet through Jesus’s sacrifice, that veil was torn apart, granting us open access to God, and so we can approach him sincerely and confidently, trusting in Christ’s sacrifice. Like the concert goers eagerly entering this precious space, we are invited to draw near to God through worship, prayer, thanksgiving, and praise. Our approach is grounded in faith and brings assurance and inner cleansing.
See, our approach is grounded in faith, and it brings us assurance and inner cleansing. But our journey continues beyond there. Once inside the concert, the band’s music stirs something profound in us, it ignites passion and a desire to actively participate, Likewise, this passage in Hebrews urges us to hold fast to our confession of hope without wavering.
Our confession generates hope and it strengthens our perseverance. It’s not enough just to merely enter into God’s presence, but we actively worship, clinging steadfastly to our belief in Christ and all of His promises. This passage underscores the importance of gathering with other believers for support, encouragement, accountability.
Just as concert goers are united by their love for the band, we are called to consider one another, stirring up love and good works and spurring each other toward acts of compassion and kindness. As concert goers eagerly anticipate an encore, we await for the day of Christ’s return in judgment. We persevere, we grow in our worship journey, embracing the appeals that we find in this passage.
Our care and support intensify as we recognize that the climax of our faith is drawing near. So therefore, oh, let us approach God confidently, knowing that through Christ’s sacrifice, the gates of heaven are open for us. Let us hold fast to our confession of hope, engaging wholeheartedly in worship and lifting our voices in praise.
And let us come together as a church family, a community, inspiring and supporting one another, shining the light of Christ’s love and spreading His good works to a world that is so desperately in need. Envision yourself standing there before that open gate at the concert, ready to embrace the power of worship in heaven. Well, let us draw near to God with sincere hearts, holding fast to our confession of hope and actively participating in the worship of our heavenly Father, and as a united body of believers, let us support one another, shining the light of Christ’s love and spreading His good works to the world in need.
As we conclude, I want us to shift our focus to some practical steps to help us to apply these truths, these challenges here, aim to inspire and to empower you to cultivate a worship lifestyle aligned with heaven. So let’s see how this can happen. First, let’s prioritize God’s worthiness.
In a world that values personal achievements and self-promotion, let’s challenge ourselves to place God’s worthiness above everything else. Take a moment, reflect on your life and identify different areas maybe that you’ve placed your desires or your accomplishments above God and surrender those areas to Him and commit to seeking His glory in every aspect of your life. Next, let’s approach God with confidence.
Hebrews 10 reminds us of our privilege to boldly approach God through Jesus. So let’s challenge ourselves to cast aside any doubts or fears that may be hindering our worship and approach Him confidently. Cultivate an atmosphere of reverence and awe in your personal prayer life and incorporate worship gatherings knowing that God eagerly desires to meet with His people.
And lastly, let’s remain steadfast in faith. See, worship is not confined to a specific time or location. It’s a lifestyle.
Challenge yourself to stay firm in your faith even when the circumstances are challenging and they will be. But let your worship be an anchor that keeps you grounded in God’s truth and goodness and seek opportunities to worship Him amid trials, trusting that He is faithful and He will carry you through.