The Gospel of John shows it’s readers that Jesus is the promised Son of God.  You can have eternal life through believing in Jesus.

30 Now Jesus did many other signs in the presence of the disciples, which are not written in this book; 31 but these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name. – John 20:30-31 ESV

In this Series

Watch Your Step

"Watch Your Step: Walking Steady with Jesus" is a 6-part sermon series designed to help believers navigate life's hidden traps and spiritual obstacles. Each week, we’ll explore the challenges that can trip us up and pull us off course, from pride and blind spots to...

Blueprints for a Blessed Family

Blueprints for a Blessed Family

Are you ready to transform your family life and build a strong, faith-filled foundation? Our powerful sermon series, "Blueprints for a Blessed Family," is designed to help you navigate the challenges of modern family life and create a home filled with love, respect,...

Unshakable: Standing Firm in Shifting Sand

Unshakable: Standing Firm in Shifting Sand

Embark on a transformative journey with our latest sermon series, "Unshakable: Standing Firm in Shifting Sand." Drawing inspiration from the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, this series delves into the profound truth of remaining steadfast in faith amidst life's...

Holiness Unmasked

Holiness Unmasked

Holiness Unmasked Holy PursuitIn a world where digital interactions often mask our true selves, how can we pursue genuine holiness? "Holiness Unmasked" uncovers the essence of grace and holiness in the modern age. Join us as we delve into the challenges of living a...

The Holy Standard

The Holy Standard

The Holy Standard Holy PursuitDiscover the profound impact of God's law on our lives in "The Holy Standard." In this inspiring message, Adam Burton takes us on a journey to understand how God's commandments reflect His divine character and challenge us to live in...

The Foundation of Holiness

The Foundation of Holiness

The Foundation of Holiness Holy PursuitIn our fast-paced lives, it's easy to overlook the profound nature of God's holiness and its impact on our everyday existence. "The Foundation of Holiness" brings into focus the awe-inspiring purity of God and its transformative...

Living in Victory

Living in Victory

Listen to the PodcastLiving in Victory: Finding Our Position in Christ When we think of victory, images of triumphant athletes or monumental achievements might come to mind. But what does it truly mean to live in victory, especially in our spiritual journey? Pastor...

10/8/23 Sermon Notes

By Adam Burton | October 8, 2023Main Point: Our victory in Christ is both a gift and a mandate. Through faith, we are positioned with purpose, filled with confidence, and called to radiate hope. As we navigate our spiritual journey, it's essential to fortify ourselves...

10/8/23 Devotions

Dive into a week-long devotion series inspired by Pastor Adam's enlightening sermon, "Living in Victory: Our Position in Christ." Each day, we'll explore key themes, drawing closer to understanding our divine position and purpose in Christ. Join us on this...

10/8/23 Sermon Transcript

10/8/23 Sermon Transcript

By Adam Burton | October 8, 2023Introduction Church, if I were to ask you to picture an Olympic athlete, who is it that comes to your mind? Maybe it’s a swimmer like Michael Phelps, or a track star like Jesse Owens. But have you ever considered what victory truly...

United We Pray

United We Pray

Download AudioIn a world filled with challenges and uncertainties, the power of collective prayer stands as a beacon of hope. The sermon "United We Pray" delves deep into the significance of praying together, emphasizing the profound impact it has on our spiritual...

10/1/23 Sermon Transcript

By Adam Burton | October 1, 2023IntroductionWell, have you ever stood at the edge of a challenge, just feeling its vastness? Maybe you wondered, do I even have the strength to face it alone? Have you ever been confronted with a situation that was just so overwhelming...

10/1/23 Sermon Notes

By Adam Burton | October 1, 2023Main Point: The power of collective prayer is profound and transformative. When believers unite in prayer, they create a spiritual powerhouse that can overcome challenges and make a significant impact in the world. Introduction...

10/1/23 Sermon Devotions

In a world that often emphasizes individual achievements and personal journeys, the transformative power of collective faith and unity can sometimes be overlooked. Drawing inspiration from Pastor Adam Burton's enlightening sermon, "United We Pray," this devotion...

Standing Strong

Standing Strong

Download AudioIn today's hyper-connected world, overcoming modern temptations is a challenge many face. From the allure of social media to the pressures of consumerism, our culture constantly bombards us with distractions. But what if there was a way to stand strong...

9/24/23 Sermon Notes

9/24/23 Sermon Notes

By Adam Burton | September 24, 2023Main Point: In the face of modern temptations, we can find strength and guidance in Jesus' example. By understanding and navigating these challenges with the wisdom of scripture, prayer, and community, we can stand firm in our faith....

9/24/23 Devotions

9/24/23 Devotions

In a world filled with challenges, distractions, and temptations, how do we remain steadfast in our faith? Drawing inspiration from Pastor Adam Burton's enlightening sermon, "Standing Strong," we've crafted a series of devotions to guide and uplift your spirit. Each...

9/24/23 Sermon Transcript

9/24/23 Sermon Transcript

By Adam Burton | September 24, 2023IntroductionWell, it's 2 a.m., you roll over, you're unable to sleep. Work, deadlines loom, bills are piling up as you just mindlessly scroll through social media for a distraction. But then an ad, "find instant relief" pops up....

9/17/23 Sermon Notes

9/17/23 Sermon Notes

Sermon NotesBy Adam Burton | September 17, 2023Main Point: While we face physical struggles, such as illnesses and emotional distress, these challenges often have spiritual roots. The enemy targets our weaknesses to undermine our faith, but by recognizing these...

9/17/23 Sermon Transcript

By Adam Burton | September 17, 2023IntroductionWell, have you ever felt like your family's morning routine could be the next big sitcom? Picture this: you've got the Stampers, our everyday family, right down the street from you. Molly, a high school teacher, is...

The Battle for Our Health

The Battle for Our Health

Download AudioIn the "Spiritual Battle for Health," Pastor Adam Burton delves deep into the profound connection between our physical well-being and the spiritual warfare we often overlook. This intricate relationship affects us all, and understanding it can be the key...

9/17/23 Sermon Devotions

9/17/23 Sermon Devotions

This sermon delves into the intertwined nature of our physical and spiritual well-being, emphasizing that our physical struggles often have deeply spiritual roots. Drawing from personal experiences and biblical stories, the message underscores the spiritual warfare...

Family Under Fire

Family Under Fire

Download AudioFamily Under FireSeptember 10, 2023Family Unity: Navigating Challenges with Divine GuidanceIn the midst of our fast-paced lives, families often find themselves navigating a maze of activities, challenges, and decisions. Every family, regardless of its...

9/10/23 Sermon Devotions

9/10/23 Sermon Devotions

In the midst of life's ebb and flow, families often find themselves navigating challenges, joys, and moments of uncertainty. Our "Family Under Fire" devotions are crafted to inspire, guide, and strengthen the spiritual bonds within families. Drawing from timeless...

9/10/23 Sermon Transcript

9/10/23 Sermon Transcript

Sermon TranscriptBy Adam Burton | September 10, 2023IntroductionWell, have you ever felt like your family's morning routine could be the next big sitcom? Picture this: you've got the Stampers, our everyday family, right down the street from you. Molly, a high school...

9/10/23 Sermon Notes

9/10/23 Sermon Notes

Sermon NotesBy Adam Burton | September 10, 2023Main Point: Recognize the spiritual battles families confront, lean on God's blueprint for unity, and harness the gospel's power to navigate challenges and fortify bonds.Introduction: Everyday family chaos and the...

Preparing for Battle

Preparing for Battle

Listen to the PodcastPreparing for Battle In the midst of our fast-paced world, filled with uncertainties and challenges, there lies a deeper battle - a spiritual one. As we are preparing for battle, it's essential to recognize that just as ancient warriors donned...

Unyielding Faith: Triumphing Over Life’s Fiery Trials

Unyielding Faith: Triumphing Over Life’s Fiery Trials

Unyielding Faith: Triumphing Over Life's Fiery Trials In the heart of ancient Babylon, three men exemplified "Unyielding Faith in Life's Trials." Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, names synonymous with unwavering belief, are central figures in a tale that resonates...

David: Overcoming Fear with Faith

David: Overcoming Fear with Faith

David: Overcoming Fear with Faith The tale of how David Overcomes Goliath is not just a biblical story but a lesson in unwavering faith. Dive into Pastor Adam Burton's sermon and discover how David's faith in God led him to conquer his towering challenge. How David...

Servant’s Shoes: The Power of Serving in the Church

Servant’s Shoes: The Power of Serving in the Church

The Transformative Power of Service in the Church The transformative power of service in the church is a profound message that resonates deeply in today's world. This post delves into the essence of selfless acts, the legacy of notable figures, and the call to serve...

Heartfelt Pursuit: Fanning the Flames of Affection for God

Heartfelt Pursuit: Fanning the Flames of Affection for God

Heartfelt Pursuit: Fanning the Flames of Affection for God Introduction Welcome to an exploration inspired by the sermon titled, "Heartfelt Pursuit: Fanning the Flames of Affection for God." This blog post invites us to consider our profound longing for God's...

The Foundation of Prayer: Seeking God’s Will Together

The Foundation of Prayer: Seeking God’s Will Together

The Foundation of Prayer: Seeking God's Will Together Introduction When considering the powerful connection between faith and prayer, one cannot help but be inspired by the story of George Mueller and his 19th-century Bristol orphanage. Mueller, a steadfast believer...

More Than Enough: Finding Contentment in God Amidst Jealousy

More Than Enough: Finding Contentment in God Amidst Jealousy

Cultivating Gratitude and Contentment: Overcoming Jealousy through God's Grace The journey towards cultivating gratitude and contentment in our lives can often be challenging, more so when battling the unsettling emotion of jealousy. Yet, the feeling of true...

Revive and Thrive: 21-Days of Transformative Prayer

Revive and Thrive: 21-Days of Transformative Prayer

Welcome to our "21 Days of Transformative Prayer Guide," a focused spiritual journey crafted to inspire and uplift our community. This guide invites us to delve deep into various facets of our church life, aiming to align our hearts and actions with God's vision....

Elijah and the Showdown on Mount Carmel: A Testament of Faith

Elijah and the Showdown on Mount Carmel: A Testament of Faith

Elijah and the Showdown on Mount Carmel "Can the faith of one man stand against the apostasy of a nation?" This question is put to test in the riveting account of "Elijah and the Showdown on Mount Carmel: A Testament of Faith." In this Bible study, Adam Burton...

Embracing Solitude

Embracing Solitude

Embracing Solitude: Overcoming Loneliness through God's Love Have you ever been in a room full of people yet felt utterly alone? Loneliness can be a profound pit, but there is a solace, a deep love, awaiting us in the stillness. Our journey today brings us to the...

Liberating Grace

Liberating Grace

Overcoming Shame: Christian Teachings on Grace and Self-Worth Exploring Christian Teachings on Overcoming Shame In this powerful sermon exploring Christian teachings on overcoming shame, Pastor Adam Burton delves into the profound topic of shame. He explores its...

Day 1 – Understanding Stress from God’s Perspective

Sermon DevotionsNavigating Life's StormsA Biblical Perspective on Stress ManagementDay 1: Understanding Stress from God’s Perspective"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome...

Day 5 – Recognizing the Role of Stress in Our Spiritual Growth

Sermon DevotionsNavigating Life's StormsA Biblical Perspective on Stress ManagementDay 5: Recognizing the Role of Stress in Our Spiritual Growth"Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance,...

Day 3 – Learning from Martha’s Stress

Sermon DevotionsNavigating Life's StormsA Biblical Perspective on Stress ManagementDay 3: Learning from Martha's Stress"As Jesus and his disciples were on their way, he came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to him. She had a sister called Mary,...

Day 2 – Embracing God’s Sovereignty Amidst Stress

Sermon DevotionsNavigating Life's StormsA Biblical Perspective on Stress ManagementDay 2: Embracing God's Sovereignty Amidst Stress"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And...

Navigating Life’s Storms

Discover the transformative power of heavenly worship unveiled as we unleash the ultimate expression of love for God, unlock worship as the core of our divine connection, and empower our souls for an encounter that transcends our earthly journey. Eternity's Embrace:...

Finding Peace in the Pressure

Finding Peace in the Pressure

Finding Peace in the Pressure: A Gospel-Centered Approach to Stress An illuminating sermon by Pastor Adam Burton from Central Baptist Church, Kentucky, provides a profound understanding of managing stress from a Gospel-Centered perspective. In today's fast-paced...

Overcoming Depression

Overcoming Depression

Overcoming Depression: Finding Hope and Healing in God's Promises Depression is a challenging struggle that affects many individuals, taking a toll on their physical and spiritual well-being. In Pastor Adam Burton's sermon, "Overcoming Depression: Finding Hope and...

Voice of Praise Concert

Voice of Praise Concert

Details WhenSunday, June 11, 2023 | 6:00 PM LocationCentral Baptist Church (Sanctuary) CostFree  About Get ready to be uplifted and inspired by the incredible musical talents of Voice of Praise, directed by the renowned David Dale. This awe-inspiring group is a...

Tempering Fury

Tempering Fury

Tempering Fury: The Road to Peace – A Sermon by Pastor Adam Burton When we walk on the path of spirituality, the journey isn't devoid of challenges. One emotion that often stands as a hurdle is anger. In his enlightening sermon, "Tempering Fury: The Road to Peace,"...

2023 Vacation Bible School

2023 Vacation Bible School

Join us at Central Baptist Church's Vacation Bible School in Maysville, Kentucky, from June 12th to June 16th, 6:00 PM to 8:30 PM, for an unforgettable adventure of faith and fun! Our theme this year is "Twists and Turns," where we'll dive into the thrilling world of...

Heavenly Worship Unveiled – Eternity’s Embrace

Heavenly Worship Unveiled – Eternity’s Embrace

Discover the transformative power of heavenly worship unveiled as we unleash the ultimate expression of love for God, unlock worship as the core of our divine connection, and empower our souls for an encounter that transcends our earthly journey. Eternity's Embrace:...

The Joy of Heaven

The Joy of Heaven

Sermon: The Joy of Heaven Adam Burton | April 30, 2023Subscribe to our Sermon PodcastSubscribe to our YouTube ChannelLike us on FacebookFollow us on TwitterSarah had spent her entire life searching for joy. She had searched high and low, left and right, but joy had...

Lasting Joy Devotional: Prioritizing God’s Promises for Purpose

Lasting Joy Devotional: Prioritizing God’s Promises for Purpose

Tempering Fury: The Road to Peace Adam Burton | June 6, 2023Subscribe to our Sermon PodcastSubscribe to our YouTube ChannelLike us on FacebookFollow us on InstagramFollow us on TwitterSummary: Bloom Where You Are Planted Using biblical passages such as Genesis 2:8-9,...

The Glory of Heaven

The Glory of Heaven

Sermon: The Glory of Heaven Adam Burton | April 23, 2023Subscribe to our Sermon PodcastSubscribe to our YouTube ChannelLike us on FacebookFollow us on Twitter The Glory of Heaven: Experiencing God's Presence and PerfectionIn his powerful sermon, "The Glory of Heaven,"...

The Reality of Heaven

The Reality of Heaven

The Reality of Heaven Adam Burton | April 16, 2023Subscribe to our Sermon PodcastSubscribe to our YouTube ChannelLike us on FacebookFollow us on Twitter In his sermon titled "The Reality of Heaven," Pastor Adam Burton challenges traditional perceptions of heaven as a...

Daily Devotional | The Glory of Heaven

Daily Devotional | The Glory of Heaven

Daily DevotionalDay 5  "Heaven is not a mere fairy tale but a reality illuminated by the light of Christ."The Glory of HeavenRead: "Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more. And I...

Daily Devotional | Living in the Reality of Heaven

Daily Devotional | Living in the Reality of Heaven

Daily DevotionalDay 4  "If you read history you will find that the Christians who did most for the present world were precisely those who thought most of the next."Living in the Reality of HeavenRead: "“O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your...

Daily Devotional | The Hope and Purpose of Heaven

Daily Devotional | The Hope and Purpose of Heaven

Daily DevotionalDay 3  "The hope of heaven is the most powerful force for change in the world."The Hope and Purpose of HeavenRead: "If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set...

Daily Devotional | The Spiritual Reality of Heaven

Daily Devotional | The Spiritual Reality of Heaven

Daily DevotionalDay 2  "Heaven is not a place for people who are afraid of hell; it's a place for people who love God."The Spiritual Reality of HeavenRead: "For we know that if the tent that is our earthly home is destroyed, we have a building from God, a house...

Daily Devotional | The Physical Reality of Heaven

Daily Devotional | The Physical Reality of Heaven

Daily DevotionalDay 1  "Heaven is a real place, and the New Jerusalem will be a city with dimensions as real as those of any city on earth."The Physical Reality of HeavenRead: "Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had...

Central Connection | April 14, 2023

Central Connection | April 14, 2023

Central Connection April 14, 2023I hope this email finds you well and that your week has been blessed. As a community of faith, we continue to support and encourage each other through prayer and fellowship. Prayers for Hilda Wilson Let's continue to lift up our...

Discover Living Hope

Discover Living Hope

Discover Living Hope Adam Burton | April 9, 2023Subscribe to our Sermon PodcastSubscribe to our YouTube ChannelLike us on FacebookFollow us on TwitterIn this sermon, Pastor Adam Burton explores the concept of "Living Hope" in depth, which refers to the hope that...

Reflection on Holy Week: A Devotional Journey

Reflection on Holy Week: A Devotional Journey

Welcome to our devotional series on "Reflection Holy Week" – a hallowed period in the Christian liturgical calendar that signifies the last week of Jesus' mortal existence before his crucifixion and resurrection. This week calls for deep contemplation and Reflection...

Flourish Where God Plants

Flourish Where God Plants

Flourish Where God Plants Adam Burton | March 26, 2023Subscribe to our Sermon PodcastSubscribe to our YouTube ChannelLike us on FacebookFollow us on InstagramFollow us on TwitterSummary: Bloom Where You Are Planted Using biblical passages such as Genesis 2:8-9, Psalm...

Joy of Serving in the Church

Joy of Serving in the Church

The Joy of Serving in the church Adam Burton | March 19, 2023Subscribe to our Sermon PodcastSubscribe to our YouTube ChannelLike us on FacebookFollow us on InstagramFollow us on TwitterOther sermonsNext Steps

Hope in the Midst of Grief: The Resurrection Power of Jesus

Hope in the Midst of Grief: The Resurrection Power of Jesus

John 11:1-46 Hope in the Midst of Grief: The Resurrection Power of Jesus Adam Burton | February 12, 2023Discover Hope and Healing: Pastor Adam Burton's Uplifting Sermon on The Resurrection Power of Jesus in the Midst of Grief. Pastor Adam's compassionate and...

We are Saved by Grace

We are Saved by Grace

Ephesians 2:1-10 We are Saved by Grace Adam Burton | January 22, 2022Other sermonsNext Steps

Put on the New Self

Put on the New Self

Colossians 3:1-17 Put on the New Self Adam Burton | January 8, 2022Other sermonsNext Steps

Walking in Truth

Walking in Truth

Colossians 2:6-23 Walking in Truth Adam Burton | January 1, 2022Other sermonsNext Steps

Central Connection | December 16, 2022

Central Connection | December 16, 2022

December 16, 2022📝From Pastor AdamRecent Sermons📅 RemindersSunday 9:30 AM Sunday School 10:45 AM Worship Service 6:00 PM Christmas Cantata Broadway Baptist Church - Lexington This Week Wednesday, Dec 14, 7:00 PM Choir Practice  Nursery Schedule Dec 18 - Shirley White...

Central Connection | December 9, 2022

December 9, 2022📝From Pastor AdamRecent Sermons📅 RemindersSunday 9:30 AM Sunday School 10:45 AM Worship Service 6:00 PM Christmas Cantata Cookie Reception Afterwards This Week Monday, Dec 12, 7:00 PM Ladies Ornament Exchange @ De'Sha's. All ladies are welcome! Contact...

Genesis 12-15; Psalm 148; Mark 5

Genesis 12-15; Psalm 148; Mark 5

Genesis 12-15 Psalm 148 Mark 5 Genesis 12-15 The Call of Abram12:1 Now the LORD said to Abram, “Go from your country and your kindred and your father’s house to the land that I will show you. 2 And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you and...

Genesis 9–11; Mark 4

Genesis 9–11; Mark 4

  Genesis 9-11 Mark 4 Genesis 9-11 9:1 And God blessed Noah and his sons and said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth. 2 The fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every beast of the earth and upon every bird of the heavens,...

The Everlasting Lord

The Everlasting Lord

Isaiah 40:1-5 The Everlasting Lord Adam Burton | December 4, 2022Other sermonsNext Steps

Genesis 6–8; Psalm 104; Mark 3

Genesis 6–8; Psalm 104; Mark 3

Genesis 6–8 Psalm 104 Mark 3 Genesis 6-8 Increasing Corruption on Earth6:1 When man began to multiply on the face of the land and daughters were born to them, 2 the sons of God saw that the daughters of man were attractive. And they took as their wives any...

Central Connection | December 2, 2022

Central Connection | December 2, 2022

December 2, 2022📝From Pastor AdamLottie Moon Christmas Offering personal for this Kentucky Baptist Recent Sermons📅 RemindersSunday 9:30 AM Sunday School 10:45 AM Worship Service 4:00 PM Deacon's Meeting 5:00 PM Christmas Poluck Dinner & MIssion Study 7:00 PM...

Don’t Be Deceived

Don’t Be Deceived

Colossians 1:29-2:5 Don't Be Deceived Adam Burton | November 27, 2022Other sermonsNext Steps

Genesis 3-5; Mark 2

Genesis 3-5; Mark 2

  Genesis 3–5 Mark 2 Genesis 3-5 The Fall3:1 Now the serpent was more crafty than any other beast of the field that the LORD God had made.He said to the woman, “Did God actually say, ‘You shall not eat of any tree in the garden’?” 2 And the woman said...

Genesis 1-2; Psalm 19; Mark 1

Genesis 1-2; Psalm 19; Mark 1

Genesis 1-2Genesis 1-2Genesis 1-2Genesis 1-2 The Creation of the World 1:1 In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. 2 The earth was without form and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of...

Day 1

Day 1

Every day, 157,690 people enter eternity without the hope of Jesus. Please join us as we observe the Week of Prayer for International Missions, where Southern Baptists pray for IMB missionaries, their ministries and the unreached people and places they serve....

Day 2

Day 2

Every day, 157,690 people enter eternity without the hope of Jesus. Please join us as we observe the Week of Prayer for International Missions, where Southern Baptists pray for IMB missionaries, their ministries and the unreached people and places they serve.Day 2:...

Day 3

Day 3

Every day, 157,690 people enter eternity without the hope of Jesus. Please join us as we observe the Week of Prayer for International Missions, where Southern Baptists pray for IMB missionaries, their ministries and the unreached people and places they serve.Day 3:...

Day 4

Day 4

Every day, 157,690 people enter eternity without the hope of Jesus. Please join us as we observe the Week of Prayer for International Missions, where Southern Baptists pray for IMB missionaries, their ministries and the unreached people and places they serve.Day 4:...

Day 5

Day 5

Every day, 157,690 people enter eternity without the hope of Jesus. Please join us as we observe the Week of Prayer for International Missions, where Southern Baptists pray for IMB missionaries, their ministries and the unreached people and places they serve.Day 5:...

Day 6

Day 6

Every day, 157,690 people enter eternity without the hope of Jesus. Please join us as we observe the Week of Prayer for International Missions, where Southern Baptists pray for IMB missionaries, their ministries and the unreached people and places they serve.Day 6:...

Day 7

Day 7

Every day, 157,690 people enter eternity without the hope of Jesus. Please join us as we observe the Week of Prayer for International Missions, where Southern Baptists pray for IMB missionaries, their ministries and the unreached people and places they serve.Day 7:...

Day 8

Day 8

Every day, 157,690 people enter eternity without the hope of Jesus. Please join us as we observe the Week of Prayer for International Missions, where Southern Baptists pray for IMB missionaries, their ministries and the unreached people and places they serve.Day 8:...

Baptism and The Lord’s Supper

Baptism and The Lord’s Supper

Fundamentals Baptism and The Lord's Supper Adam Burton | November 20, 2022Other studiesNext StepsI'm committing my life to ChristI'd like to get involved in churchI'd like to get baptizedI need prayerI have a question

The Mystery of Christ

The Mystery of Christ

Colossians 1:24-29 The Mystery of Christ Adam Burton | November 20, 2022Other sermonsNext Steps

The Church

The Church

Fundamentals The Church Adam Burton | November 13, 2022Other studiesNext StepsI'm committing my life to ChristI'd like to get involved in churchI'd like to get baptizedI need prayerI have a question

Humanity and Salvation

Humanity and Salvation

Fundamentals Humanity and Salvation Adam Burton | October 30, 2022Other studiesNext StepsI'm committing my life to ChristI'd like to get involved in churchI'd like to get baptizedI need prayerI have a question

Prayer: The Key to a Successful Life

Prayer: The Key to a Successful Life

Colossians 1:9-14 Prayer: The Key to a Successful Life Adam Burton | October 30, 2022Other sermonsNext StepsI'm committing my life to ChristI'd like to get involved in churchI'd like to get baptizedI need prayerI have a question

United in Christ: One Family

United in Christ: One Family

Colossians 1:1-8 United in Christ: One Family Adam Burton | October 23, 2022Other sermonsNext StepsI'm committing my life to ChristI'd like to get involved in churchI'd like to get baptizedI need prayerI have a question

God Eternal

God Eternal

Fundamentals God Eternal Adam Burton | October 16, 2022Other studiesNext StepsI'm committing my life to ChristI'd like to get involved in churchI'd like to get baptizedI need prayerI have a question

The Hope of Redemption

The Hope of Redemption

Ruth 4:1-22 The Hope of Redemption Adam Burton | October 16, 2022Other sermonsNext StepsI'm committing my life to ChristI'd like to get involved in churchI'd like to get baptizedI need prayerI have a question

A Risky Proposition

A Risky Proposition

Ruth 3:1-18 A Risky  Proposition Adam Burton | October 9, 2022Other sermonsNext StepsI'm committing my life to ChristI'd like to get involved in churchI'd like to get baptizedI need prayerI have a question

The Scriptures: Part 1

The Scriptures: Part 1

Fundamentals The Scriptures: Part 1 Adam Burton | October 2, 2022Other studiesNext StepsI'm committing my life to ChristI'd like to get involved in churchI'd like to get baptizedI need prayerI have a question

Change Your Perspective

Change Your Perspective

Ruth 2:1-23 Change Your Perspective Adam Burton | October 2, 2022Other sermonsNext StepsI'm committing my life to ChristI'd like to get involved in churchI'd like to get baptizedI need prayerI have a question

Central Connection | September 30, 2022

Central Connection | September 30, 2022

September 30, 2022📝From Pastor Adam📅 RemindersSunday 9:30 AM Sunday School 10:45 AM Worship Service 5:00 PM Sunday Evening Bible Study 6:00 PM Christmas Choir Practice Coming Soon Tuesday, 10/4 at 6:30 PM - Women's Bible Study at the Church Sunday, 10/23 at 5:00 PM -...

Where Is God?

Where Is God?

Ruth 1:1-22 Where Is God? Adam Burton | September 25, 2022Other sermonsNext StepsI'm committing my life to ChristI'd like to get involved in churchI'd like to get baptizedI need prayerI have a question

Central Connection | September 23, 2022

September 23, 2022📝From Pastor Adam📅 RemindersSunday 9:30 AM Sunday School 10:45 AM Worship 5:00 PM Pastor Adam's Mission Report 6:00 PM Christmas Choir Practice Nursery Schedule September 18 - Patti Thomas & Mandi Rice September 25 - Christy Gantley & Angela...

Central Connection | September 2, 2022

Central Connection | September 2, 2022

September 2, 2022📝From Pastor AdamArticles Federal court rules in favor of Louisville photographer who opposes same-sex weddings - Courier-Journal Louisville can’t force Christian photographer to shoot same-sex weddings, federal court rules - Christian Post 📅...

Central Connection | August 26, 2022

Central Connection | August 26, 2022

August 26, 2022📝From Pastor AdamArticles TobyMac thought he'd never pen another dance song after his son's death: God ‘was there for me’ - Christian Post TobyMac - Help Is On The Way (Music Video) - YouTube 📅 RemindersSunday 9:30 AM Sunday School 10:45 AM Worship 5:00...

The Lord’s Supper: United in Christ

The Lord’s Supper: United in Christ

1 Corinthians 11:17-34 The Lord's Supper: United to Christ Adam Burton | August 21, 2022Other sermons in this seriesNext StepsI'm committing my life to ChristI'd like to get involved in churchI'd like to get baptizedI need prayerI have a question

Central Connection | August 19, 2022

August 19, 2022📝From Pastor AdamArticles SBC leaders respond to DOJ investigation - Baptist Press Justice Department Investigates Southern Baptist Convention Over Abuse Under investigation - Todd Gray 📅 RemindersSunday 9:30 AM Sunday School 10:45 AM Worship - Lord's...

Baptism: Raised to New Life

Baptism: Raised to New Life

Selected Passages Baptism: Raise to New life Adam Burton | August 14, 2022Other sermons in this seriesNext Steps

What is Required?

What is Required?

John 21:15-25 What is required? Adam Burton | July 31, 2022Other sermons in this seriesNext Steps

Come and Eat

Come and Eat

John 21:1-14 Come and Eat Adam Burton | July 24, 2022Other sermons in this seriesNext Steps

Do You Believe?

Do You Believe?

John 20:24-31 Do You Believe? Adam Burton | July 17, 2022Other sermons in this seriesNext Steps

Seek the Lord

Seek the Lord

John 20:11-18 Seek the Lord Adam Burton | July 10, 2022Other sermons in this seriesNext Steps

Risen to Life

Risen to Life

John 20:1-10 Risen to Life July 3, 2022 | Adam BurtonOther sermons in this seriesNext Steps

It is Finished

It is Finished

John 19:28-42 It is Finished June 26, 2022 | Adam BurtonOther sermons in this seriesNext Steps

The Power of the Cross

The Power of the Cross

John 19:17-27 The Power of the Cross June 19, 2022 | Adam BurtonOther sermons in this seriesNext Steps

Behold Your King

Behold Your King

John 19:1-16 Behold Your King June 12, 2022 | Adam BurtonOther sermons in this seriesNext Steps

What is Truth?

What is Truth?

What is Truth? June 5, 2022 | Adam BurtonOther sermons in this seriesNext Steps

Who’s On Trial?

Who’s On Trial?

Who's On Trial? May 29, 2022 | Adam BurtonOther sermons in this seriesNext Steps

Central Connection | May 27, 2022

Central Connection | May 27, 2022

May 27, 2022📝From Pastor AdamHey there, Central Family, Pastor Adam here. In life, there are different seasons we go through. Some seasons are happy, and some are sad. Some seasons are prosperous, and some are depressing. Some seasons are joyful, and some are...

Betrayed by a Kiss

Betrayed by a Kiss

Betrayed by a Kiss May 22, 2022 | Adam BurtonOther sermons in this seriesNext Steps

The Church United

The Church United

The Church United May 15, 2022 | Adam BurtonOther sermons in this seriesNext Steps

2022 VBS

2022 VBS

For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared ahead of time for us to do. – Ephesians 2:10Date: June 6-10, 2022   Location: Central Baptist Church437 Central AveMaysville, KY 41056 + Google MapThis summer, kids will learn...

The Mothers God Uses

The Mothers God Uses

The Mothers God Uses May 8, 2022 | Adam BurtonScripture Genesis 16:1-15Other SermonsNext Steps



Welcome to the Sermon Page of Central Baptist Church, where we humbly share the timeless wisdom of the Gospel. Here, you’ll find a collection of sermons that aim to inspire and encourage, led by our pastor, Adam Burton, who seeks to faithfully teach God's Word. We...

Show Us Your Glory

Show Us Your Glory

Show Us Your Glory April 24, 2022 | Adam BurtonOther sermons in this seriesNext Steps

Ransomed and Redeemed

Ransomed and Redeemed

Ransomed and Redeemed Central Baptist Church Choir | Easter MusicalApril 10, 2022

Central Connection | April 8, 2022

Central Connection | April 8, 2022

From Pastor Adam: This upcoming week represents the most memorable in Christianity. We pause and focus on the events surrounding the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus. While we love the special events, sometimes the message gets lost. Every day I am reminded of...

Hello world!

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From Sorrow to Joy

From Sorrow to Joy

From Sorrow to Joy April 3, 2022 | Adam BurtonOther sermons in this seriesNext Steps

10.8.21 | Central Connection

10.8.21 | Central Connection

[dsm_text_notation notation_text="October 8, 2021" _builder_version="4.10.7" _module_preset="default" background_color="RGBA(0,0,0,0)" module_alignment="left" custom_margin="|||15px|false|false" notation_font_size_tablet="" notation_font_size_phone="18px"...

October 2021 Finances

October Giving (through 10.3.21)General Fund Giving Date Amount 10.3 $4,291.00 10.10   10.17   10.24   10.31   Total $4,291.00  Building Fund Giving Date Amount 10.3 $900.00 10.10   10.17   10.24   10.31   Total $900.00 2021 Year to Date Giving (through...

Sermon | 9.19.21

[dnxte_text_highlight highlight_text="Sermons" _builder_version="4.10.7" _module_preset="default" animation_fonts_font="|800||on|||||" global_colors_info="{}"][/dnxte_text_highlight][presto_player id=237351]WHEN YOU PRAY | 9.19.21 | Pastor Adam...

10.1.21 | Central Connection

10.1.21 | Central Connection

[dsm_text_notation notation_text="October 1, 2021" _builder_version="4.10.7" _module_preset="default" background_color="RGBA(0,0,0,0)" module_alignment="left" custom_margin="|||15px|false|false" notation_font_size_tablet="" notation_font_size_phone="18px"...

9.25.21 | Central Connection

9.25.21 | Central Connection

[dsm_text_notation notation_text="September 17, 2021" _builder_version="4.10.7" _module_preset="default" background_color="RGBA(0,0,0,0)" module_alignment="left" custom_margin="|||15px|false|false" notation_font_size_tablet="" notation_font_size_phone="18px"...

9.19.21 | When You Pray | Pastor Adam Burton

In this message, we see that God speaks to us through prayer. This  message by Pastor Adam Burton comes from John 12:12-19. We see that  Jesus was celebrated as he rode into Jerusalem knowing that he would soon be walking to His death. Next Steps 💪 Get the...

9.17.21 | Central Connection

9.17.21 | Central Connection

[dsm_text_notation notation_text="September 17, 2021" _builder_version="4.10.6" _module_preset="default" background_color="RGBA(0,0,0,0)" module_alignment="left" custom_margin="|||15px|false|false" global_colors_info="{}"][/dsm_text_notation]Sunday, November 7 9:30 AM...

9.11.21 | Central Connection

9.11.21 | Central Connection

[dsm_text_notation notation_text="September 11, 2021" _builder_version="4.10.6" _module_preset="default" background_color="RGBA(0,0,0,0)" module_alignment="left" custom_margin="|||15px|false|false" global_colors_info="{}"][/dsm_text_notation]Help advance God's Kingdom...

September 2021 Finances

September Giving (through 9.26.21)General Fund Giving Date Amount 9.5 $4,779.29 9.12 $2,658.00 9.19 $2,411.25 9.26 $1,247.75 Total $11,096.29  Building Fund Giving Date Amount 9.5 $755.00 9.12 $455.00 9.19 $1,395.00 9.26 $100.00 Total $2,705.00 2021 Year to Date...

9.12.21 | Word of God Speak | Pastor Adam Burton

In this message, we see that God speaks to us through the Bible. This  message by Pastor Adam Burton comes from John 12:12-19. We see that  Jesus was celebrated as he rode into Jerusalem knowing that he would soon be walking to His death. Next Steps 💪 Get...

August 2021 | Finances

2021 August GivingGeneral Fund Giving Date Amount 8.1 $4,741.14 8.8 $2,075.00 8.15 $1,781.00 8.22 $2,513.00 8.29 $2,591.29 Total $13,701.43 Building Fund Giving Date Amount 8.1 $1,175.00 8.8 $395.00 8.15 $550.00 8.22 $470.00 8.29 $693.34 Total $3,283.34 2021 Year to...

8.15.21 | The Long Road | Pastor Adam Burton

This message by Pastor Adam Burton comes from John 12:12-19. We see that Jesus was celebrated as he rode into Jerusalem knowing that he would soon be walking to His death. Next Steps 💪 Get the Daily Devo Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Facebook Follow us on...

It’s Not a Sin to Waste

This message by Pastor Adam Burton comes from our series, The Gospel of John: So That You May Believe. The text for this message is John 12:1-11. We see that worshiping Jesus is never a waste. Next Steps 💪 Get the Daily Devo Follow us on Instagram Follow us on...

Why Must He Die?

This message by Pastor Adam Burton comes from our series, The Gospel of John: So That You May Believe. The text for this message is John 11:45-57. We see the contrast between the power-hungry High Priest, Caiaphas, and the Perfect High Priest, Jesus. Next Steps 💪 Get...

Timing is Everything

This message by Pastor Adam Burton comes from our series, The Gospel of John: So That You May Believe. The text for this message is John 11:1-16. We see that Jesus' timing is perfect and we can trust Him in everything. Next Steps 💪 Get the Daily Devo Follow us on...

Who Says that I Am?

This message by Pastor Adam Burton begins a series called, Identity, where we explore what the Bible says about who we are. Next Steps 💪 Get the Daily Devo Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Check out our website Connect with Pastor Adam...

Surrendered to Worship

In this message, Pastor Adam concludes our message series on worship looking at we can live a life of worship. Next Steps 💪 Get the Daily Devo Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Check out our website Connect with Pastor Adam 🔗 Facebook...

Resilient Faith

In this message, Pastor Adam shares from Romans 5:1-5 on how to have a resilient faith. Next Steps 💪 Get the Daily Devo Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Check out our website Connect with Pastor Adam 🔗 Facebook Instagram Twitter...

Worship Together, Part 2

In this message, Pastor Adam explains some of the histories behind why we worship the way we do. Next Steps 💪 Get the Daily Devo Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Check out our website Connect with Pastor Adam 🔗 Facebook Instagram...

A Mother’s Prayer

In this message, Pastor Adam shares the importance of mothers and how they influence their children. Next Steps 💪 Get the Daily Devo Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Check out our website Connect with Pastor Adam 🔗 Facebook Instagram...

Worship Together

In this message, Pastor Adam shares the importance of the church gathering to worship in spirit and in truth. Next Steps 💪 Get the Daily Devo Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Check out our website Connect with Pastor Adam 🔗 Facebook...

Freedom to Worship

In this message, Pastor Adam shares that through Jesus, we have the freedom to worship God. Next Steps 💪 Get the Daily Devo Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Check out our website Connect with Pastor Adam 🔗 Facebook Instagram Twitter...

Created to Worship

In this message, Pastor Adam shares what is worship and why we are to worship. Next Steps 💪 Get the Daily Devo: Follow us on Instagram: Follow us on Facebook:...

By Faith

In this message, Pastor Adam shares what is biblical faith and how we are to live in faith. Next Steps 💪 Get the Daily Devo: Follow us on Instagram: Follow us on Facebook:...

Because He Lives

In this Easter message, Pastor Adam shares that the enemy sows doubt, while Jesus' resurrection gives us hope and joy. Next Steps 💪 Get the Daily Devo: Follow us on Instagram: Follow...

The Humble Servant

In this message from Mark 11:1-7, we see that Jesus is the humble servant who came to lay down his life so that we may have eternal life. Next Steps 💪 Get the Daily Devo: Follow us on Instagram:...

Do You Believe?

This message comes from John 10:22-42.  We see that those who believe in Jesus will never perish. Next Steps 💪 Get the Daily Devo: Follow us on Instagram: Follow us on Facebook:...

The Good Shepherd

This message is from John 10:1-21.  In this message, Jesus declares that he is the good shepherd and we should reject false prophets. Next Steps 💪 Get the Daily Devo: Follow us on Instagram:...

Now I See

This message is from John 9:1-41.  In this message, we see Jesus heal a man born blind.  The Pharisees were more concerned with preserving their tradition that they were blinded to see that Jesus is the one who can save. Next Steps 💪 Get the Daily Devo:...

The Glory of the Lord

This message is from John 8:48-59.  In this message, we see that Jesus is the glory of God.  We can experience God's glory through faith and trust in Jesus. Next Steps 💪 Get the Daily Devo: Follow us on Instagram:...

Know the Truth

This message is from John 8:31-47.  We see that we are Jesus' disciples by abiding in the truth of Jesus and the Word. Next Steps 💪 Get the Daily Devo: Follow us on Instagram:

Light of the World

This message is from John 8:12-30.  We see that Jesus is the light of the world.  We walk in the light when we follow Jesus and we are called to reflect this light to others. Next Steps 💪 Get the Daily Devo:

Go and Sin No More

This message is from John 7:53-8:11.  We see that Jesus offers forgiveness to those who seek and and gives them the power to go and sin no more. Next Steps 💪 Get the Daily Devo: Follow us on Instagram:...

Rivers of Living Water

This message is from John 7:37-52 and is titled, Rivers of Living Water.  We see that Jesus gives rivers of living water that will never run dry. Next Steps 💪 Get the Daily Devo: Follow us on Instagram:...

Do Not Judge on Appearances

This message is from John 7:14-36 and is titled, Do Not Judge on Appearances.  We see being saved is not about looking good on the outside.  We are saved by an inward transformation that comes through faith in Jesus. Next Steps 💪 Get the Daily Devo:...

Standing for Jesus

This message is from John 7:1-13 and is titled, Standing for Jesus.  We see that Jesus was hated because he spoke truth in an evil world. As followers of Jesus, we are called to speak truth with love. Next Steps 💪 Get the Daily Devo:...

To Whom Shall We Go?

This message is from John 6:60-71 and is titled, To Whom Shall We Go?  We see that most of Jesus' followers abandon Him, but His true disciples give everything to follow Him.   Next Steps 💪 Get the Daily Devo:

The Bread of Life

This message is from John 6:41-59 and is titled, The Bread of Life.  We see that Jesus is the one who draws us to salvation and we respond in faith. Next Steps 💪 Get the Daily Devo: Follow us on Instagram:...

Wisdom for the New Year

This message is from Proverbs 3:1-11 and is titled, Wisdom for the New Year.  We find wisdom in saturating ourselves in the Word, trusting the Lord, and rejecting the world.   Next Steps 💪 Get the Daily Devo:

Where’s Your Joy?

This message is from Luke 1:26-38 and is titled, Where's Your Joy? Joy is a response to God's grace, God's message, and serving the Lord. You can 📺 watch this message and find more resources on our website at Next Steps 💪 Get the Daily...

Love Came Down

This message is from 1 John 4:7-11 and is titled, Love Came Down. We will see that God is Love, God came to earth, and we are to love others. You can 📺 watch this message and find more resources on our website at Next Steps 💪 Get the...

Peace: Comfort in Jesus

This message is from Isaiah 40:1-11 and is titled, Peace: Comfort in Jesus.  We will see that God brings peace, that peace is eternal, and we are to be the voice of peace.   You can 📺 watch this message and find more resources on our website at...

Hope: Longing for Jesus

This message is from Isaiah 64:1-9 and is titled, Hope: Longing for Jesus. We will see God's power, his goodness, and long for the second coming of His Son, Jesus.   You can 📺 watch this message and find more resources on our website at Next...

Don’t Settle

This message is from John 6:1-40 and is titled, Don't Settle. We will see that Jesus meets our physical needs, he controls creation, and he is the bread of life. You can watch this message and find more resources on our website at Next Steps 💪...

Prove It

This message is from John 5:30-47 and is titled, "Prove It"  We will see Jesus provide evidence for his claim that he is the Son of God.  Jesus then turns the tables on the religious leaders and puts them on trial. You can watch this message and find more...

Who Do You Think You Are?

This message is from John 5:19-29 and is titled, Who Do You Think You Are? We see Jesus explain to the religious leaders how He is the Son of God. You can watch this message and find more resources on our website at Next Steps 💪 Get the Daily...

Get Up and Walk

This message is from John 5:1-18 and is titled, Get Up and Walk.  We see that we are all diseased, but Jesus heals, and we must respond to His grace.  You can watch this message and find more resources on our website at Next Steps 💪 Get...

Believing is Seeing

This message is from John 4:43-54 and is titled, Believing is Seeing. We see that saving faith includes seeking Jesus, trusting Jesus, and following Jesus.  You can watch this message and find more resources on our website at Next Steps 💪...

Don’t Delay Sharing Jesus

This message is from John 4:23-42 and is titled, Don't Delay Sharing Jesus. We see that once the Samaritan woman believed that Jesus was the Messiah, she rushed to tell others what He had done. Next Steps 💪 Get the Daily Devo:...

He Knows Everything

This message is from John 4:16-26 and is titled, He Knows Everything. We see that Jesus confronts us in our sin to point us to our need of a Savior. Next Steps 💪 Get the Daily Devo: Follow us on Instagram:...

Living Water

This message is from John 4:1-15 and is titled, Living Water. We see that Jesus transcends cultural norms to offer Living Water to all who seek Him. Next Steps 💪 Get the Daily Devo: Follow us on Instagram:...

He Must Increase

This message is from John 3:22-36 and is titled, He Must Increase. We see that Jesus is the greatest of all time and we are called to point others to Him. Next Steps 💪 Get the Daily Devo: Follow us on Instagram:...

No Condemnation

In this message from John 3:16-21, we see that Jesus was sent not to condemn, but to save sinners. People reject Jesus because they would rather remain in darkness rather than walk in the light. Next Steps 💪 Get the Daily Devo:...

For God So Loved

In this message, we see what you must do to have eternal life.  Pastor Adam preaches from John 2:23-3:8. Next Steps 💪 Get the Daily Devo: Follow us on Instagram: Follow us on...

Be Born Again

In this message from John 2:23-3:8, we see Jesus explain what it means to be born again. Next Steps 💪 Get the Daily Devo: Follow us on Instagram: Follow us on Facebook:...

Where’s Your Heart?

In this message from John 2:13-22, we see Jesus' righteous anger when He sees the temple become a house of trade instead of the worship of His Father. CONNECT WITH US Do you have spiritual questions?  Did you pray to receive Christ?  Do you need prayer?...

Water Into Wine

Jesus turned water into wine to reveal His divinity. In doing so, His disciples believed in Him. CONNECT WITH US Do you have spiritual questions?  Did you pray to receive Christ?  Do you need prayer?  Fill out our digital connection card and we will...

What Are You Seeking?

In this message, we see that Jesus’ first disciples sought after Him and He called them to follow Him. The question you must answer is what are you seeking? Are you seeking after Jesus? CONNECT WITH US Do you have spiritual questions?  Did you pray to...

In the Beginning

In this opening message in the Gospel of John, we see that Jesus is the Word, the Son of God, and provides grace upon grace.   CONNECT WITH US Do you have spiritual questions?  Did you pray to receive Christ?  Do you need prayer?  Fill out our...

“Never Standing Alone” (3/8/20)

Listen to this sermon from Pastor Adam in our series in the book of Acts.  This sermon comes from Acts 22:22-23:11. // Learn more about Central Baptist Church at // Call or text us at (305) 707-PRAY (7729) // Email Pastor Adam at...

Guest Message from Amy Compston

Listen to this powerful testimony of how God transformed a former drug addict into a missionary.  Amy Compston shares how God led her to create a ministry called Amy for Africa, where she is building a school for children in Uganda. Listen and enjoy! // Learn...

“The Miracle of the Message” (12/22/19)

Listen to this sermon from Pastor Adam in our Advent series.  God sent His Son Jesus to communicate His great love for us.  He desires for us to know and draw near to Him.

“Justice of a King” (12/1/19)

Listen to this sermon from Pastor Adam from Isaiah 42:1-9.  In Jesus' life on earth, we see God's justice and compassion go hand in hand.

“He Walks With Me” (7/21/19)

Listen to  Pastor Adam Burton's sermon as he continues our 3-week series looking at suffering.  This sermon is titled, "He Walks With Me".

“Who’s to Blame?” (7/14/19)

Listen to this past Sunday's sermon from Pastor Adam Burton as he begins a 3-week series looking at suffering.  This sermon is titled, "Who's to Blame?"

“In the Wild” (6/23/19)

Pastor Adam Burton wraps up our week of Vacation Bible School with a gospel-centered message titled, "In the Wild."

“The Hope of Easter” (4/21/19)

Pastor Adam Burton preaches on Easter Sunday a message titled, "The Hope of Easter," from John 20:1-20.  For more information about Central Baptist Church, visit

“Always Be Ready” (4/7/19)

Pastor Adam Burton continues our series in the book of Acts titled "Be the Church."  This sermon comes from Acts: 8:26-40.

“Average Joes” (3/31/19)

Pastor Adam Burton continues our series in the book of Acts titled "Be the Church."  This sermon comes from Acts: 8:4-25.

“Be Like…” (3/24/19)

Pastor Adam Burton continues our series in the book of Acts titled "Be the Church."  This sermon comes from Acts: 6:8-8:3.

“Growing Pains” (3/17/19)

Pastor Adam Burton continues our series in the book of Acts titled "Be the Church."  This sermon comes from Acts: 6:1-7.

“United Together” (3/3/19)

Pastor Adam Burton continues our series in the book of Acts titled "Be the Church."  This sermon comes from Acts:4:32-5:11.

“Give Me Courage” (2/24/19)

Pastor Adam Burton continues our series in the book of Acts titled "Be the Church."  This sermon comes from Acts 4:1-31.

February 10, 2019 Sermon

Pastor Adam Burton continues our series in the book of Acts titled "Be the Church."  This sermon comes from Acts 2:1-47.

January 27, 2019 Sermon

Pastor Adam Burton continues our series in the book of Acts titled "Be the Church."  This sermon comes from Acts 1:12-26..

January 13, 2019 Sermon

Pastor Adam Burton begins our series in the book of Acts titled "Be the Church."  This sermon comes from Acts 1:1-11.

January 6, 2019 Sermon

Pastor Adam Burton starts the year off with a sermon title, "Sharing is Caring" from Matthew 25:14-30.

December 23, 2018 Sermon

Pastor Adam Burton concludes our Christmas series, God's Greatest Gift, preaching from Matthew 2:1-15 titled "Are You Satisfied with Christmas?"

December 16, 2018 Sermon

Pastor Adam Burton continues our Christmas series, God's Greatest Gift, preaching from Matthew 1:18-25 titled "Interruptions at Christmas."

December 9, 2018 Sermon

Pastor Adam Burton begins our Christmas series, God's Greatest Gift, preaching from John 1:14-18 titled "I Wonder as I Wander."

December 2, 2018 Sermon

Pastor Adam Burton concludes our series, Living in Light of Christ’s Return, preaching from 1 Thessalonians 5:23-28. The main idea is: Only God Himself can empower you to live a holy life as you anticipate the coming of Jesus Christ.

November 25, 2018 Sermon

Pastor Adam Burton continues our series, Living in Light of Christ’s Return, preaching from 1 Thessalonians 5:12-22. The main idea is a healthy church is identified by how its people relate to one another and to God.

November 18, 2018 Sermon

Pastor Adam Burton continues our series, Living in Light of Christ’s Return, preaching from 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11. The main idea is that God’s message about future events must influence how we live in our present circumstances.

November 11, 2018 Sermon

Pastor Adam Burton continues our series, Living in Light of Christ’s Return, preaching from 1 Thessalonians 4:9-12. The main idea is that God’s promises about tomorrow give us hope for how we face today.

November 4, 2018 Sermon

Pastor Adam Burton continues our series, Living in Light of Christ’s Return, preaching from 1 Thessalonians 4:9-12. The main idea is a genuine love for others is reflected by how you live and work.

October 28, 2018 Sermon

Pastor Adam Burton continues our series, Living in Light of Christ’s Return, preaching from 1 Thessalonians 4:1-8. The main idea is because God has called us to holiness, we must flee from any form of sexual impurity.

October 21, 2018 Sermon

Pastor Adam Burton continues our series, Living in Light of Christ’s Return, preaching from 1 Thessalonians 2:17-3:13. The main idea is that God’s people must fervently love one another.

October 7, 2018 Sermon

Pastor Adam Burton continues our series, Living in Light of Christ’s Return, preaching from 1 Thessalonians 2:1-12. The main idea is that God’s Word transforms the lives of those who welcome it.

September 30, 2018 Sermon

Pastor Adam Burton continues our series, Living in Light of Christ’s Return, preaching from 1 Thessalonians 2:1-12. The main idea is that authentic Christian leaders will reflect a genuine love for and commitment to the people they have been called to...